God wants his people to increase in strength and wax greater and greater every day. As his children, we should be moving to higher heights in him. We should desire the sincere milk of the word so we can grow in our faith. (See 1 Peter 2:2). Here are some ways to stay committed to your Christian life:
Seek God
We should not seek God just for what we can get from him. Too many are only interesting in him for the blessings and not willing to take up their cross and follow him. We are called to do good works in his vineyard and be a committed Christian. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few, (Matthew 9:37 KJV).
We should be seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness and not the things of the world. Because what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26 KJV). At the end of the day, the soul and eternity are more important than money. Trust in him and seek to know him for yourself.

Love like Jesus
Love like the father. He loved this world so much that he gave his only begotten Son that we might have everlasting life. (See John 3:16). We should love others as we love ourselves. “And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these,” (Mark 12:31 KJV). A committed Christian will always have a deep desire to show others the way to Christ.
Seek Eternity
Seek blessing instead of money, the blessings make rich and add no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22) That is what is needed. Just like Jabez, we should cry out to God to bless us indeed and enlarge our coast. So we can do good and be a blessing to others. Too many receive the blessings and just hide them away for themselves. Forgetting that they are storing it up where moth and dust can gather.
Eventually, earthly gains will not be worth anything in the long run. We should do good and store up treasures in heaven. So work for an eternal reward. Without Christ, you will live a life heading to a Christless eternity. You need God as your all in all. There will be a time when you will have to face God and give an account of your sins. Just ask him to forgive you of all your sins and invite him to change your life.
It doesn’t matter how much money you accumulate, or how influential you are, all that will matter is your soul.
Do Good to Others
Naked we came, and naked we shall return, ( Job 1:21 KJV). So many lose their soul because of ill-gotten gain. Too many are willing to sacrifice their family members, spouse and children, and best friends for money.
Turn your heart to God. Seek him while he can be found call upon him while he is near, (Isaiah 55:6 KJV).
Don’t allow wealth and the vanities of this world to let you lower your dignity and pride or do devious things to others. Treat people well, show kindness, give, be a good Samaritan. Forgive and let go of the pain of the past. Let the fruit of the spirit reign in your life. Be a good person, after God’s own heart, and be a committed Christian.
Don’t waste your time, live a good life. Don’t wait until you are old and grey then that is the time you want to make things right with the people that you have wronged. Live every day well, forgive and move on. Give your heart completely to God and work to live a good life that is holy and pleasing in his sight.
He is watching your every move. He sees every selfishness and every time you refused to help a neighbor. I think that everyone will live a happier life if we are aware and believe that God sees our every move. People might not see, but know that God sees. Nothing is hidden from him.
Seek True Repentance
Don’t wait until you are at death’s door, know from now where you will spend eternity. There is another life after this one. The one that counts because it’s eternal. Jesus is the way to this life and the only way to God the father. Trust him today. Ask him to come into your heart and change your life.
Death is not the end, there is a great life awaiting us in heaven. We work here on this earth to gain a good reward and life eternal. Live this life pleasing to God and your reward will be sure in the next life.
Call upon him now while you have life and strength in your body. Repent and turn from your evil ways. No matter what evil you have done in your life God will not turn you away. He is able and willing to forgive you. Do not get drawn away with the cares of the world. Too many let the things of the world cause them to pull away from God.
Choose God
Do not sit on the fence, the bible said we cannot serve God and mammoth. Choose God just like Joshua “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, (Joshua 24:15 KJV).
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:” (Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV).
Trust God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Listen to God and obey him as he speaks and give you direction for your life. Walk holy and be a committed Christian.
Sow Good Seeds
We reap what we sow, we should always try to sow good seeds. We should sow seeds of love, forgiveness, peace, and kindness. But sometimes we don’t, instead, we sow seeds of hatred, malice, envy, and much more evil. Sometimes the enemy plants evil seeds in our dreams. We have to command all evil seeds planted in our dreams to be uprooted in Jesus’s name; so we can live the life of favor.
The enemy comes in to kill, steal and destroy the good seeds that are planted in our lives. He plants weeds to contaminate the good seeds. The enemy’s plan is to stop your greatness and divert your destiny. But your harvest must come. Let no evil weed grow up with your good seed. The enemy will plant evil seeds in our thought. But we have to cast down every imagination and every high thing to the obedience of Christ. (See 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV).
Expect a Harvest
We plant with the intent of reaping a harvest of much more than what we sow. It’s good not to sow sparingly if you want a bountiful harvest. “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully,”(2 Corinthians 9:6 KJV).
Sow in good fertile soil, it doesn’t matter how much you sow in infertile soil it will not bear a good harvest.
Your seed must grow into a tree and bear fruits. Stop and listen to God; study his word and ask him for direction. Once you hear from God then you move. Wait for him to speak, obey his voice, and be a committed Christian.

Pray and Fast
Pray regularly the bible says in (1 Thessalonians 5:17) that we should pray without ceasing. We should ask the Holy Ghost to give us the grace to pray about everything. You should pray in the morning, midday, evening, and nighttime. Pray before eating, and pray before going to bed. Pray for your family, friends, and even your enemies. Set aside time when you turn down your plate and seek God in fasting. These are ways to get closer to God and grow in his spirit. Tune out from every distraction and focus on God and him alone.
Read your Bible
The bible is your rule book and guides into the things of God. Read your Bible daily and ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see what God wants to show you. Read with understanding, then meditate on the word. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a scripture that will speak to the circumstances that you are facing. The bible is your guide to living a holy life and will give you instructions on how to be a committed Christian.
Praise and Worship
Praise will usher you into the presence of God. Put on some anointed gospel music and worship God with all your heart and soul. You will feel lighter and more at peace when you worship. Demons will have to flee and leave your presence when you worship the Lord in spirit and truth.
Join a Church
Find a bible-based, Church where you can fellowship with other believers. This way you can grow in your faith. Join Bible study groups, attend prayer meetings and get involved in other church activities. There is great strength in fellowship. Because the bible says in ( Joshua 23:10 KJV) “One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.” Develop a good relationship with other Church members. In times when you are facing hard times and struggles in your life, they will be there to give you advice and help you. And you will do the same for them.
Live in Peace
A committed Christian will seek as much as possible and make sacrifices to live in peace with everyone. Paul said in Romans 12:18 “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” We should always live a life that is holy and pleasing to God.
Prayer for Gods help to be a Committed Christian
Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name. I thank you that you always finish what you start. And I know you are doing good work in my life. Father give me a heart like yours to love others and do my best to live in peace with all men. Lord help me to be committed to your will and your ways. Father please give me the fruit of the spirit and help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.