Things are happening in the spiritual realm. God is doing a mighty work and we will see the hand of God moving in our midst. The time and season are changing. It is time to rise up and pray. You might not see anything happening, but God is working behind the scene to manifest his glory. So Speak words of life.

We should look at the circumstances, but speak what we want the outcome to be. It is time to stand firm on the word of God. No need to agree with what the majority is saying. The majority might be wrong. It is time to seek God for yourself and find out what he is saying. The word of God is sure. If he said it he will bring it to pass.

Speak words of life

Whatever you are facing should not define who you are. Look the situation in the face and speak words of life. Speak life into every dead area. Declare what God says about the circumstances, no matter what you are facing. Speak from your heart; there is life and death in your tongue. 

Speak life, over your children and your spouse. Let the devil hear your voice, even when you do not feel like it, speak. Speak words of love, fruitfulness, prosperity, and peace. Know your identity in Christ.

Remind yourself what God’s words says about you;

I am free.

I am more than a conqueror.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ.

I am chosen.

I am love.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Speak what God says. You have the ability to influence others to see clearly that God is still in control. He has time and seasons in his mighty hands. You are the one who will have to tell others the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do not be silent. Let the world hear your voice.

Seek the Lord

It’s time to forget about complaining and worrying about the things of the world. It’s time to apply the words of God over all your situations. Be courageous don’t back down. Pray, fast, and seek the Lord for revival.

Pray according to God’s word. Know what the word says and pray according to his words. Prayer will open up the blessings and the promises of God. It time to take God at his words and exercise your God-given authority.

Once you know the word of God; then you have the tools to bring things to light. You might not know how he will do it, but you have the assurance that it is already done. You are just waiting for it to come to pass. God cannot lie. His words must come to pass. Move forward, don’t be afraid to venture out and see the hands of God at work. The time of sitting idle and doing nothing is long over. It is time to engage and be apart of what God is doing in this season.

Don’t say you are covered and it doesn’t concern you. Look around and help up the fallen. Help other people fight their battles. Help wounded soldiers, nurse them back to life.

Stay focus

Do not be distracted, be alert and aware of what God is doing. Call upon him with prayer and fasting. Tell him not to leave you out. “Whatever you are doing in this season Lord, do not do it without me, Lord,” Make sure you have people who are vigilant watching with you. You might not be able to stay awake for the entire season, therefore you need watchers. 

People that will be your eyes and ears. People that will tell you the truth about what you have missed and who are able to give an unbiased, account of all events. Find your helpers, let them help. Don’t watch alone. Don’t watch with those who you think will fall asleep.

God is still speaking. It might not be through a burning bush or a donkey, but his voice is still loud and clear. In the bible he speaks:

Through his words in the bible –  2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:105

Through his Holy Spirit – John 14:26, Romans 8:27

Through Prophets – Romans 12:6

Through Jesus Christ – Hebrews 1:2

Through nature – Genesis 1:1

Through other Christians – 2 Samuels 12:7

Through prayer – Romans 8:27, Matthew 6:9-13, John 11:42

Through Angels – Hebrews 1:14

Prayer to hear God’s voice

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name. I thank you that you are still speaking to your people. Father help me to be sensitive to your voice and to listen attentively to your call. Lord I do not want to be left out of what you are doing in this season. Let me hear and be obedient to your voice. Speak to me Lord, through your Holy Spirit, like never before. Let me know you more each day. I thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen